Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spotted - Two Magazines .One Blog Feature. One Week

My. Head. Is. Spinning. Three shout outs in one week?? WHAT!! I am so pumped to be included in not one but TWO magazines and one blog feature this week. Crazy thing is, ALL publications are centered around my selection in the National Kitchen & Bath Association's first ever 30 Under 30 program from earlier this year.

Here's a short run down of where my name (and my picture!) popped up this week:

My new last name and I can be found in the July issue of Atlanta Home Improvement Magazine.

Atlanta Home Improvement magazine did a little spread on the three NKBA 30 Under 30 honorees from right here Georgia. All three of us work for different design companies in the Atlanta area, but none of us knew each other before arriving in New Orleans. Small world!

The same day I received my copy of Atlanta Home Improvement magazine I got an e-mail from the marketing department at Wellborn Cabinetry letting me know they posted a blog feature on me, Courtney Foster SHEARER, that's right, the new last name popped up again! I wonder how long it will take for me to get used to seeing it? Or writing it? Or saying it?


Wellborn is a cabinet company out of Ashland, Alabama and my company, Bell Kitchen & Bath Studios sells their product. They interviewed me a few weeks ago regarding my involvement in the NKBA's 30 Under 30 program.  I was honored to see they included the interview in a blog post dedicated to me! Check out the post here.

And then, the very next day I walk into my office and see a copy of the May/June issue of K+BB magazine on my desk with a whole write up on the very first NKBA 30 under 30 Group.

The article explained the honor as well as listed the honorees, and BONUS 10 of the 30 also known as Group #1 got a nice photo op!

As I've mentioned many times, my selection as one of the 30 Under 30 was major and is truly like the gift that just keeps on giving. 29 new friends, fun filled days in New Orleans and now some publications to add to my repertoire, doesn't get much better than that!

All photos are from google.

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