Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Merry Christmas 2013

Wow - I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve's Eve! It seems like yesterday we were enjoying our turkey at Thanksgiving and poof now it's almost Christmas. This has been such a great holiday season full of all kinds of firsts for us newly married folk. You've seen our first year decorating our house for Christmas and now here is our first Christmas card:

After several days of celebrating with family, we have landed in Ringgold where we are nestled in for a wonderful Christmas with more celebrations to come this weekend. We have so much to be thankful for this time of year and always! To all of our friends and family far and near and all of you dear readers out there in the blogosphere - Merry Christmas! Gotta go watch Christmas Vacation now...see ya next year! ;)

Photo by Tisha Callaway Saunders of Flashback Photography and Christmas card by Zazzle

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