and my #StoneMountain Kitchen are one in the same. SURPRISE!
As many of you know, my Grandmother and PapaJack have played an integral part in my life, especially since moving to Atlanta in 2008. Their home has been like my home and I was excited for the opportunity to help them with their kitchen remodel. We talked and dreamed and schemed and planned for this kitchen for a long time. Finally, last fall we decided the time had come to pull the trigger and make this new kitchen a reality.
Their house was built in 1967 by Guy F. Griffith Builders Inc. My Grandmother found the house, fell in love and bought it while my PapaJack was out of town on business. They moved into their home in August of 1967. The house has great bones and the kitchen served my Grandmother well for many years. However, over the past few years certain items stored in certain cabinets became harder and harder for her to get to. My Grandmother enjoys cooking and cooks a lot (she's really, really good at it too!) She is definitely one of those people who really uses their kitchen and up until this year she has been using the same one for 46 years! I didn't want to see her stop cooking on my watch so I knew I needed to design a kitchen that exploded with functionality so everything was accessible and user friendly.
Back in January I posted before pictures of this space, but here are a few reminders of what the "before" looked like.
A few days after these photos were taken demolition began and from there things chugged along at a fast pace.
Demo phase - all cabinetry, flooring, appliances and wallpaper were removed.
Sheetrock repair and painting came next. We opted to keep the existing paneling and paint it. As you can see from the before pictures, all trim throughout the kitchen was a dark brown stain. There are three sets of French doors in this room as well as a door to the deck. All doors, trim and paneling were painted the same color - Sherwin William's Anew Gray, SW7030 (the new cabinets were painted this color as well). The walls were painted Aesthetic White, SW7035 by Sherwin Williams. Even at the early stages you can see how fresh everything looks painted, the room became so much brighter!
With every layer completed we got more excited. The next step was the installation of the hardwood flooring. This phase of the remodel really took the project to a new level, it went from feeling like a work zone to feeling more and more like a kitchen.

Isn't it beautiful? My Grandparents had always had laminate flooring. The installation of the hardwood really warmed the space up and it contrasts so nicely with the paint colors.
Bright and early on a Monday morning Bell Cabinetry, pulled up and started unloading the new cabinetry! It was a big day. A day that again took this space to the next level!
As you can see by the end of the day my Grandmother was one happy camper!
PHEW - I'm exhausted. Because I don't want this post to become a novel I'm going to break this reveal up into two parts. Next, I will unveil the final product and share all kinds of fun details pertaining to this breathtaking remodel. But until then......
I will leave you with this final photo.
To Be Continued.......................................
All photos are my own.